Introduction to the Prehistory Period: Before history was recorded – 2


There is a lot of detail in the prehistory period of climate and living forms, geographical circumstances, and so on since the beginning of our planet Earth, but this is the portion of history we should know very briefly here. Archaeology and other related disciplines of study allow us to fill in the blanks and piece together a picture of what life was like for our forefathers, including what sorts of flora and wildlife they may have experienced.

Brief Prehistory of Earth and Moon

The Hadean eon, which began with the creation of the Earth, is followed by the Archean eon at 3.8 Ga. The oldest rocks discovered on Earth date back to around 4.0 Ga, while the earliest detrital zircon crystals in rocks date back to approximately 4.4 Ga, shortly after creating the Earth’s crust and the Earth itself.

The Moon, Earth’s sole natural satellite, is more significant than any other satellite in the Solar System. During the Apollo program, rocks from the Moon’s surface were transported to Earth. According to the radiometric dating of these rocks, the Moon is 4.53 0.01 billion years old, forming at least 30 million years after the Solar System. New evidence implies that the Moon originated even later, 4.48 0.02 Ga, or 70–110 million years after the Solar System began.

A brief Prehistory of life on Earth

The earliest tetrapods developed from fish between 380 and 375 million years ago. Fins developed into limbs used by the first tetrapods to elevate their heads above the water to breathe air. This might let them to survive in low-oxygen environments or seek tiny prey in shallow water.

Many fossil bones, teeth, trackways, and other concrete evidence have proven that the dinosaurs ruled the Earth for at least 230 million years. However, no sign of dinosaur bones has been discovered in strata younger than 66 million years. At that moment, as the Cretaceous epoch gave way to the Paleogene, it appears that all non-avian dinosaurs vanished.

The first real mammals developed in the shadows of dinosaurs and other gigantic archosaurs that had taken over the Earth by the late Triassic period. The early mammals were presumably quite tiny and nocturnal in order to avoid predation. Only after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction catastrophe did mammalian diversity actually begin. The world had recovered from the extinction by the early Paleocene, and animal diversity had risen.

Brief Prehistory of Human Evolution

A little African ape who lived roughly 6 million years ago was the last mammal whose progeny included contemporary humans and the chimps’ closest cousins. Only two branches of its family tree are still alive. For unknown causes, apes in one branch obtained the capacity to walk upright quite quickly after the split.

The prehistoric period encompasses the millions of years that passed before humans began to make written records of their lives and the world in which they lived. The start of human existence. The earliest human-like animals arrived on the Earth’s surface 5.6 million years ago (written as mya). Following this, numerous types of humans appeared and then became extinct.

Humans like ourselves (henceforth referred to as ‘modern humans’) first appeared some 160,000 years ago. People got sustenance over this extended span of human history by scavenging or killing animals and collecting plant products. They also learned how to build stone tools and converse with one another.

Although alternative methods of acquiring food were eventually introduced, hunting-gathering persisted. There are still hunter-gatherer communities in various regions of the world today. This begs the question of whether modern hunter-gatherer cultures can teach us anything about the past.

Human bones, stone tools, and cave paintings have all contributed to our understanding of early human history. Each of these findings has its own backstory. When such discoveries were originally discovered, many experts hesitated to acknowledge that the fossils were the remnants of early humans. They were also sceptical about early humans’ abilities to produce stone tools or paint.

The entire significance of these discoveries was only appreciated after a period of time.

The evidence for human evolution comes from the remains of extinct human species. Direct chemical analysis can be used to date fossils, or the sediments in which they are buried can be used to age them indirectly. Once the fossils have been dated, a timeline of human evolution may be created.

When such findings were initially uncovered some 200 years ago, many experts were hesitant to acknowledge that fossils and other artifacts, such as stone tools and paintings, were genuinely linked to early versions of people.

Workers digging for limestone in the Neander valley, a ravine near the German city of Dusseldorf, discovered a skull and several skeleton pieces in August 1856. These were sent to Carl Fuhlrott, a local schoolteacher and natural historian, who recognized that they did not belong to a modern human being.

He then cast the skull in plaster and delivered it to Hermann Schaaffhausen, a professor of anatomy at Bonn University. The following year, they collaborated on a report suggesting that this skull represented an extinct kind of human. Scholars at the time rejected this theory, claiming that the skull belonged to a person from a more recent periods.

The publication of Charles Darwin‘s On the Origin of Species on November 24, 1859, was a watershed moment in the study of evolution. Darwin contended that humans descended from animals a long time ago.

Is it the whole truth?

In the end, it appears that some type of prehistoric time travel is conceivable. Using evidence from today or the past, we have learned that it is possible to learn certain things about the past, but we will never know all about it.

We may deduce facts and evidence, analyze them, and draw conclusions about the state of the Earth, flora and fauna, and the events that had taken place at the time. ‘Is it the whole truth of the past?’ we ask ourselves. If we do not know the truth, we will have to dig deeper and work harder to uncover it, and we will get more information as a result.

Quiz Time: Answer in the comments

Write about prehistory of earth and moon?
Write about prehistory of life on earth?
What do you mean by the term fossils?
Write about prehistory of human evolution.
Write your views on prehistory. Is it all true or there is need to explore more?
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