Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ’s life and teachings are described in the New Testament of the Bible. He is a key figure in Christianity, and many Christians all across the globe view him as the manifestation of God.

Jesus Christ: Who Was He?

In Bethlehem, Jesus Christ was born in 6 B.C. Little is known about his early years, but the New Testament—more of a doctrinal text than a biography—records his life and career. Christians view Jesus as the manifestation of God, and they use his teachings as a model for how to live a more spiritual life. Christians hold that he was crucified and then resurrected to pay the price for everyone’s sins.

Early life and background

The four New Testament gospels—also referred to as the “Canonical gospels”—written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide the majority of the account of Jesus’ life. These are narratives with an allegorical purpose rather than biographies in the contemporary sense. They are intended to inspire belief in Jesus as the Messiah and the God-man, who came to educate, suffer, and die in order to atone for people’s sins.

Mary, his mother, was the wife of the carpenter Joseph. According to Christians, Jesus was conceived without sin. His ancestry may be found in the house of David. Jesus was born under the rule of Herod the Great, according to the Gospel of Matthew (2:1). Herod felt threatened by Jesus’ birth and attempted to have him slain by ordering the execution of all of Bethlehem’s male infants under the age of two. However, after receiving a warning from an angel, Joseph decided to relocate Mary and the baby to Egypt until Herod’s demise, at which point he brought the family back and established them in the Galilean town of Nazareth.

The earliest years of Jesus’ life are not well known. According to the Gospel of Luke (2:41–52), Jesus was 12 years old when he traveled with his parents to Jerusalem and became lost. A few days later, he was observed at the temple conducting business with some of Jerusalem’s elders. There are hints that Jesus worked as a carpenter as a young adult all throughout the New Testament. He is thought to have started his career at the age of 30, when John the Baptist baptized him and, upon recognizing Jesus, declared him to be the Son of God.

Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the Judean desert fasting and praying after his baptism. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke detail Christ’s temptation (known as the Synoptic Gospels). Three times, the Devil appeared and enticed Jesus: once to convert stone into bread; once to jump from a mountain, where angels would catch him; and once by promising him all the world’s kingdoms. Jesus turned down the Devil’s temptation each of the three times and sent him away.

Jesus Christ’s Ministry

Jesus visited nearby communities while traveling back to Galilee. Several others joined him as disciples at this period. One of them was Mary Magdalene, who is named for the first time in the Gospel of Luke (8:1-3) and subsequently during the Crucifixion in all four gospels. She is regarded as having been a part of Jesus’ ministry from the start to the end, even though she is not named in the context of the “12 disciples.” Mark and John’s gospels claim that Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection.

As his career got underway, Jesus went to a wedding in Cana in Galilee with his followers and his mother, Mary, according to the Gospel of John (2:1–11). When the wedding host ran out of wine, Jesus’ mother turned to him for assistance. Jesus initially resisted becoming involved, but eventually changed his mind and instructed a servant to bring him many big jars of water. He transformed the water into wine that was of a greater caliber than any that was served at the wedding. The incident is portrayed in John’s gospel as the initial indication of Jesus’ splendor and his followers’ faith in him.

Jesus, his mother Mary, and his followers left right after the wedding to go to Jerusalem for Passover. They observed traders and money changers at the shrine. In a rare outburst of rage, Jesus smashed the tables and chased the people away with a whip made of cords, saying that his Father’s home was not a place for businessmen.

The Synoptic Gospels follow Jesus as he went across Judea and Galilee, illuminating the prophesies’ fulfillment and the approaching kingdom of God via parables and miracles. More people started to join Jesus as news of his teaching and ability to cure the ill and diseased spread. At one point, a large group of people joined Jesus as he approached a level region. He delivered a series of sermons known as the Beatitudes there, during the Sermon on the Mount, which include many of the spiritual teachings of love, humility, and compassion.

The crowds became larger as Jesus continued to speak about the kingdom of God, and they started to identify him as the Messiah and the son of David. When the Pharisees learned of this, they openly accused Jesus of possessing Satanic power and challenged him. He used a parable to justify his conduct before challenging their reasoning and telling them that it contradicted the might of God. This only served to strengthen their resolve to oppose him.

Jesus spoke with his disciples as they were close to Caesarea Philippi. He inquired, “Who do you claim that I am?” according to the gospels of Matthew (16:13), Mark (8:27), and Luke (9:18). They were perplexed by the question, and only Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus acknowledged being the “Christ” and “Son of God,” gave Peter a blessing, and said the announcement was a heavenly revelation from God. Peter was then named the church’s head by Jesus. Jesus then forewarned his followers of the plot of the Pharisees against him and of his destiny to endure suffering and death before rising from the dead on the third day.

A little over a week later, Jesus led three of his followers to a lofty hilltop so they might pray in seclusion. The Synoptic Gospels record that Jesus’ face shone like the sun and his whole body shone with a white light. The prophets Moses and Elijah then showed up, and Jesus spoke with them. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am greatly delighted; listen to him, a voice exclaimed as a dazzling cloud appeared around them. The Transfiguration is an important development in Christian theology. It demonstrates that Jesus is who He claims to be—the Christ, the Son of the living God.

The week before the Passover celebration, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. At the city’s entrance, a sizable crowd greeted him with palm branches. They lauded him for being both the Son of God and the Son of David. Fearful of the rising popularity among the populace, the priests and Pharisees believed he ought to be put down.

Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem is described in all four of the Gospels. Jesus engaged in argument with the high priests who contested his authority at this period, confronted moneychangers and businessmen in the temple, and resurrected Lazarus from the grave. He warned his followers of impending events and predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. As arrangements for the arrest of Jesus were being made, the chief priests, elders, and high priest Caiaphas convened. Judas, one of the disciples, went to the chief priests and explained how he would hand Jesus up to them. They decided to give him 30 silver pieces as payment.

The Last Supper

During their gathering for the Passover dinner, Jesus spoke his parting words of trust with his 12 disciples. He also predicted that one of the disciples would betray him, and he secretly told Judas who it was. Before a rooster crooned the following morning, Jesus warned Peter, he would have renounced him three times. Jesus established the Eucharist at the conclusion of the dinner, which in the Christian faith stands for the covenant between God and humanity.

Jesus and his followers visited the Garden of Gethsemane to pray after the Last Supper. Jesus prayed to God that this cup—his anguish and death—would pass him by. He begged several of his followers to pray alongside him, but they kept nodding off. Then the moment had arrived. Judas joined the soldiers and authorities as they materialized. He kissed Jesus on the cheek to identify him, and the soldiers then took Jesus into custody. One of the disciples fought against being taken into custody, brandished his sword, and chopped off one of the soldiers’ ears. However, Jesus warned him and made the soldier’s wound well.

Many of the followers fled the scene after his arrest. Jesus was brought before the high priest and questioned. He was spit at and slapped for his inaction. Peter had accompanied Jesus to the high priests’ court in the meanwhile. Three house servants questioned him while he was hiding in the darkness and each time he said he wasn’t one of Jesus’ disciples. A rooster crowd each time a rejection was made. Jesus then turned to face Peter as he was brought outside the residence. Peter sobbed deeply as he recalled that Jesus had warned him that he would betray him. Disgusted by his betrayal of Jesus, Judas, who was watching from a distance, made an effort to return the 30 pieces of silver. He was informed by the priests that his guilt was personal. Then, he hung himself after throwing the money into the shrine.

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

The following day, Jesus was brought before the high court, where his claim to be the Son of God was insulted, beaten, and condemned. He was presented to Judean Roman ruler Pontius Pilate. Jesus was urged to be put to death when the priests accused him of pretending to be the Jewish monarch. When Jesus was later brought back, Pilate assured the Jewish priests that he could find nothing wrong with Jesus despite his initial attempt to deliver him to King Herod. The priests reminded him that speaking against Caesar is prohibited for anybody claiming to be a monarch. In spite of publicly absolving himself of all blame, Pilate nonetheless decided to have Jesus crucified in response to the crowd’s demands. Jesus was beaten and tortured by the Roman troops before they brought him to Mount Calvary and put a crown of thorns on his head.

Two robbers, one to his left and the other to his right, were crucified beside Jesus. “King of the Jews” was the accusation that was placed above his head. Mary, his mother, and Mary Magdalene sat at his feet. The events that took place during the final three hours of Jesus’ life are detailed in the Gospels, including the mockery of the soldiers and the multitude, Jesus’ suffering and outbursts, and his dying words. The sky grew ominous as Jesus was hanging on the cross, and shortly after his death, an earthquake broke out, breaking the curtain of the temple from top to bottom. A soldier pierced his side with a spear to certify his death, but all that came out was water. After being removed from the cross, he was buried in a neighboring tomb.

From the Dead to Alive

Jesus’ tomb was discovered deserted three days after his death. Both Mary Magdalene and his mother Mary saw him after he had ascended to heaven. Both of them warned the disciples, who were hiding, who subsequently saw Jesus and was advised not to be scared. He pleaded with his followers to spread the word to everyone within this little period of time. Jesus took his followers to Mount Olivet, which is located east of Jerusalem, after 40 days. Before leaving them and ascending into heaven on a cloud, Jesus said his parting words to them, promising that they would receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

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