Prophet Muhammad


Prophet Muhammad’s Life

Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca some time in about 570 AD (now in Saudi Arabia). His grandfather and later his uncle reared him initially because his father passed away before he was born. He came from a Quraysh family that was dignified despite being impoverished, and the family was involved in Meccan trade and politics.

Many tribes inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula were nomadic and traded products as they traversed the desert during the period. Most tribes were polytheistic and worshipped a variety of deities. Mecca was a significant economic and religious hub with several temples and places of worship where the devout offered prayers to the idols of these gods. The Kaaba was the most notable site (meaning cube in Arabic). It is said that Abraham (Ibrahim to Muslims) and his son Ismail were responsible for its construction. The inhabitants of Mecca gradually embraced polytheism and idolatry. Allah is thought to have been the only deity without an idol among those who were worshipped, and he was also regarded as the greatest.

Following in the footsteps of many other young people his age who were born into modest affluence, Muhammad worked in a camel caravan in his early teens. Working for his uncle, he traveled to Syria and finally from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean to obtain expertise in commercial commerce. Muhammad eventually developed a reputation for being true and truthful, earning him the moniker “al-Amin,” which translates to “loyal or trustworthy.”

Early in his twenties, Muhammad started working for a wealthy businesswoman named Khadijah, who was 15 years his senior. She quickly developed feelings for this young, talented man and made a marriage proposal, and he agreed, and the joyful coupling produced several kids over time. Though not all survived to maturity, one, Fatima, would wed Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad’s cousin, whom Shi’ite Muslims consider being his successor.

Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was a devoutly religious man who periodically traveled to holy locations near Mecca. He was meditating in a cave on Mount Jabal aI-Nour in 610 while on one of his pilgrimages. Recite in the name of your Lord who creates, produces man from a clot! The angel Gabriel arrived and spoke for God. For your Lord is most gracious, recite. These phrases eventually became the first verses of chapter 96 of the Qur’an. Most Islamic historians concur that Muhammad delayed publicizing the revelations for several years because he was initially upset by them. However, according to Shi’a tradition, he embraced the word from the Angel Gabriel and was much moved to tell other potential believers about his experience.

His wife Khadija and his close colleague Abu Bakr were the first believers, according to Islamic tradition (regarded as the successor to Muhammad by Sunni Muslims).Muhammad soon started to amass a small following and, at first, faced little pushback. He was mainly disregarded or scorned at Mecca by locals who saw him as simply another prophet. However, many of Mecca’s tribal elders started to view Muhammad and his message as dangerous when it denounced idolatry and polytheism. Along with going against long-held beliefs, the condemnation of idolatry had financial repercussions for businesses that served the tens of thousands of pilgrims who visited Mecca annually. This was especially true for the Quraysh, Muhammad’s clan, who served as the Kaaba’s watchmen. Mecca’s officials and businesspeople gave Muhammad incentives to stop preaching when they sensed a threat, but he refused.

In 622, Muhammad and his adherents were finally compelled to leave Mecca for Medina, a city 260 miles north, due to mounting opposition. This occasion signals the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Muhammad played a crucial role in putting a stop to a civil war that was raging between many of the city’s tribes there. Muhammad settled in Medina, where he established the Muslim community and, over time, gained recognition and more adherents.

The Muslims fought several wars for their lives between 624 and 628. Muhammad and his supporters won the final significant battle, The Battle of the Trench and Siege of Medina, and a treaty was struck. A year later, the Meccan allies violated the pact. Muhammad now possessed a sizable force, tipping power scales from the Meccan authorities. The Muslim army entered Mecca in 630 and took it with few fatalities. Muhammad pardoned several Meccan leaders who had resisted him and granted amnesty to many more. The majority of people in Mecca converted to Islam. Muhammad and his companions then destroyed the statues of pagans in and around the Kaaba.

Muhammad’s Demise

Muhammad made his first authentic Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca following the dispute resolution with that city, and in March of 632, he gave his final sermon at Mount Arafat. After arriving at his wife’s house in Medina, he became unwell for a few days. He passed away on June 8, 632, at 62, and was buried in al-Masjid an-Nabawi, one of the earliest mosques that Muhammad had constructed in Medina.

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