The Quran

The Quran

The Quran is the Islamic world’s holy book. During 23 years in the seventh century BCE, the Quran is supposed to have been composed of Allah’s revelations to the Prophet Muhammad, sent by the angel Gabriel. During Muhammad’s ministry, scribes recorded these revelations as he spoke them, and his followers continued to recite them after his death. In 632 C.E., at the request of Caliph Abu Bakr, the chapters and passages were compiled into a book; this Arabic-language version of the Koran has been the holy book of Islam for almost 13 centuries.

Islam is an Abrahamic religion, which means that, like Christianity and Judaism, it venerates Abraham and his descendants and followers.

The Holy Quran

The Quran is the Islamic sacred book from the seventh century BCE.

Its substance is the divine wisdom Muhammad received and preached.

The Quran is split into chapters (named surah) and verses (called ayat) that vary in length and subject matter.

It is also broken into portions (juz) to use as a 30-day Ramadan reading plan.

Islam is an Abrahamic faith, and, like Judaism and Christianity, it recognizes Abraham as the patriarch.

Jesus (‘Isa) is revered in Islam as a holy prophet, and his mother, Mary (Mariam), is revered as a holy lady.


The Quran is split into 114 surahs with varying durations and subject matter. Each surah is composed of poems called ayat (or ayah). Al-Kawthar is the smallest surah, with only three verses; Al-Baqara is the longest, with 286 verses. The chapters are categorized as Meccan or Medinan according to whether they were written before or after Muhammad’s visit to Mecca (Meccan). The 28 chapters from Medina are primarily concerned with the social life and development of the Muslim community, whereas the 86 chapters from Mecca deal with faith and the hereafter.

In addition, the Quran is divided into thirty equal pieces, called juz’. The organization of these divisions allows the reader to study the Quran for a month. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to finish at least one complete reading of the Quran, and those instructions are provided by the Aziza (plural of juz’).

The topics of the Quran are not presented in chronological or thematic sequence but are interlaced throughout the chapters. A concordance is an index that includes every occurrence of every word in the Quran, allowing readers to locate certain themes or subjects.

The Quran’s Account of the Creation

Although the Quran does state that “Allah created the heavens, the earth, and everything between them in six days,” the Arabic phrase “yawm” (“day”) may be more accurately translated as “period.” Various lengths at different times describe yawm. Adam is a prophet of Islam, and his wife, Hawa or Hawwa (Arabic for Eve), is considered to be the mother of humanity.

Women are mentioned in the Quran

Similar to other Abrahamic religions, the Quran has a large number of women. Only Mariam is specifically named, and Mariam is the mother of Jesus, considered a prophet by Muslims. Other unnamed ladies include the wives of Abraham (Sara and Hajar) and Asiya (Bithiah in the Hadith), the wife of Pharaoh and Moses’ foster mother.

The Holy Quran and New Testament

The Quran does not deny Christianity or Judaism but rather refers to Christians as “people of the book,” i.e., those who have received and believe in God’s prophets‘ revelations. Verses stress similarities between Christians and Muslims but consider Jesus a prophet, not a god, and warn Christians that worshipping Christ as a god is a slippery slope into polytheism: Muslims consider Allah to be the one real God.

“Those who believe, including Jews, Christians, and Sabians, as well as those who believe in God and the Last Day and perform good deeds, shall get their recompense from their Lord. And they will not be afraid, nor will they mourn ” (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

Mary and Christ

Mariam, as the mother of Jesus Christ is referred to in the Quran, is herself a good lady. The nineteenth chapter of the Quran is titled The Chapter of Mary and explains the Muslim conception of Christ’s virgin birth.

Jesus is referred to as ‘Isa in the Quran, and numerous events from the New Testament, including those of his miraculous birth, teachings, and miracles, are also contained in the Quran. According to the Quran, Jesus is a prophet sent by God, not his son.

Toward Global Cooperation: Interfaith Dialogue

The seventh chapter of the Quran is dedicated, among other things, to interreligious interaction. While Abraham and the other prophets urge people to have faith and abandon false deities, the Quran instructs Muslims to be patient in the face of nonbelievers’ rejection of Islam and not take it personally.

“But had Allah so willed, they would not have joined together. We have neither selected you as their guardian nor are you their supervisor.” (6:107)


Modern Islam detractors assert that the Quran encourages terrorism. The Quran aggressively encourages justice, peace, and moderation, despite its composition during a time when inter-trial violence and retribution were frequent. It specifically admonishes Christians to prevent from sliding into sectarian violence—violence against one’s brethren.

“As for people who fragment their faith into sects, you have nothing in common with them. Their affair is with Allah; He will tell them the truth about everything they have done.” (6:159)

Arabic is the language of the Quran.

Since its revelation in the seventh century C.E., the Arabic text of the original Quran has been similar and unaltered. Several versions of the Quran are accessible in English, and other languages, yet around 90 per cent of Muslims worldwide do not speak Arabic as their mother tongue. Nonetheless, Muslims utilize Arabic when saying prayers and reading Quranic chapters and verses as part of their common religion.

Recitation and Reading

The Prophet Muhammad encouraged his disciples to “adorn the Quran with your voices” (Abu Dawud). The precise and melodious recitation of the Quran in a group is a common practice that helps adherents preserve and spread its messages.

While many English translations of the Quran include footnotes, particular sections may require further explanation or a more comprehensive context. Students utilize the Tafseer, an explanation or commentary, to give more knowledge as necessary.

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